Wednesday 25 January 2012

Rainy Weekend at Nana and Papa's.

Boots and Belly!

We went up to Mom and Dad's this last weekend for a visit. It was a nice break from the everyday hum drum that sets in this time of year. It rained the whole time we were there but we still had a good time. We watched movies and played some marbles. Maggie liked playing with the rocks in Nana's candle holder.

I think Maggie's favourite part of going up there is always the Ferry ride. She gets to play in the van while we wait and then look for all the animals on the boat. We walk around the ferry and she yells out "CRAB", "WHALE", "STAR FISH", at all the stairway markers. It's all she's talked about since we've been home.
Chow Mien it's for you!

Monday 16 January 2012

Snow Day!

We went over to Auntie Rene's house today to play in the snow. It's the first time since last Christmas that we've been able to use the sled that Grandma and Granddad gave Maggie. We just didn't get any snow after Christmas last year.
Christmas 2010. Seven months old.
I can't believe how fast the last year went by.

Maggie liked sitting in the sled with Malia pulling her. She was giggling the whole time, except of course when I snapped a picture! Still cute though.

We found a hill to sled down. Malia loved it. She went down quite a few times. Maggie went down once then just wanted to watch.

We stayed outside for about 20 minutes. It was pretty cold and Maggie and Liv were both getting tired and cranky. Maggie just wanted to be held. I tried to sit her down in the snow one last time, to get a picture of her all by herself, but she was not happy about it!

It was nice to spend part of the day over there, we don't seem to do it very often anymore.

Happy New Year. 2012.

We had an uneventful New Years Eve. Went to some friends house and played some cards and board games. Maggie was really good. We let her stay up and play with the other 4 kids that were there until about 10pm. Managed to get her to sleep until 12:30 then packed her up and took her home.

We had a nice brunch at Great Grandma's house on New Years Day.
So here we go 2012! I hope it's a great year full of fun times and family. 

Friday 30 December 2011

There's a first time for everything!

Yes, this is my very first blog post on my very first blog. Bare with me. I'm doing this to keep track of Maggie's early years. I have two baby books sitting empty on a shelf in her room so maybe doing it this way I'll actually get some things written down.

Maggie is the result of seven years of trying to conceive. Three years of "the old fashioned" way and four years with the help of doctors, nurses and a LOT of money. We got lucky on our third IVF cycle and found out we were pregnant.

Sometime I'll try to come back to explain our road to pregnancy but for now I'll just focus on Maggie.

As of today she's 19 months old. We just had her second Christmas and coming up to her second New Year's. We had a good Christmas. We had a lot of fun outings and did a lot of visiting. Maybe I'll just do bullet points of all the great stuff we did.
 A parade.
 A carousel ride.
 Saw Santa...not so happy about him being this close to her. She was ok from a distance but not up close!
 Bright Nights at Stanley Park.
 Light tour.
 Got a new Elmo from Nana and Papa!
 Christmas Eve dinner at our house.
Played darts with Daddy on Christmas day at Grandma and Granddad's.

Over all it's been a very busy December. One that had us together with a lot of family and friends. We are very lucky to have such a sweet natured little girl.